Radio Frequencies

The information presented on this page is our interpretation of the regulations currently published by OFCOM and in no way should these be taken to be up-to-date or accurate.  Those intending to use radio microphones should consult the OFCOM website or contact them directly to ensure compliance with the current regulations. Loh Humm Audio Co Ltd will accept no responsibility in respect of individuals, companies or organisations making incorrect licensing decisions based on the information presented on this page.

See the following links for current information:

Supplied with systems in A5-A8 is our Shared UK Wireless Microphone Licence which allows use of up to 14 transmitters in channel 38. These UHF shared frequencies can be used anywhere in the UK. Frequencies on this Licence are provided on a non protected basis as they could be shared with other users in the local area and the use of these frequencies is not coordinated by OFCOM.

Additional fixed site licences can be purchased directly from OFCOM. We can supply licences if you require for which a small premium is charged for administrative work of £200 per TV band.

We have handheld transmitters available in band A5-A8 and B1-B1. Body pack transmitters available in bands A1-A4, A5-A8, B1-B4 and B5-B8.

Our EM 1046/SK 50 radios are still available in many bands from Channel 30 up to Channel 60.

This chart contains frequency information for available equipment and can be downloaded here

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